Avant-garde Education
2 min readNov 19, 2020


Importance of early childhood education

We are first time parents! My child is soon going to be 3 and the search is on…Should I send my child to school or not? What does kindergarten, Montessori, Reggio, Waldorf, play way methods of early childhood education mean.

This article is a simple read that intends to bring forth a few questions of first time parents about their child’s early years.

Hope this helps streamline your thoughts and make meaningful choices for yourself and your child.

I am listing a few basic questions to answer (for families who are convinced about sending their children to school)

  1. What does early childhood education mean to us as a family? Why do i want my child to go to school at the age of 3?
  2. What are my expectations from the school? Safety, comfort, hygiene, proximity from home, strength of the school, curriculum! Consider all these factor and list it down.
  3. How do I decide what methdology to choose? What are the available options around me?

As an educator, I thought it would be valuable to brief, why I think early childhood education is important. Irrespective of the methdology you choose, early childhood education is the most impactful learning years of a child’s life. Here is my take on why i think so.

  1. A major part of the brain synapses happens during the age of 0–6.
  2. Children understand the world through their senses. Providing limitless sensory stimulation during these years leads appropriate emotional development, cognitive development and physical development.
  3. Social interaction is what makes humans what they are. Early years are when children learn to talk, listen, interact, co-play, co-create, negotiate conflicts and problem solve. A sense of empathy, community, sustainability emerges here from.
  4. Learning from adults other than parents (and family) is an expereince by itself. Early childhood educators (in a good early childhood center) hold space for children to be themself and respect them for who they are, with no expectations or judgement. As an educator this is what I think should be THE criteria that parents should look for while choosing a early education center for their child. Look for a center for the educators they have, for the passion they bring into their jobs. Everything else shall follow.

Hope this provides some clarity in thought and helps you make choices that blooms your child’s learning journey.



Avant-garde Education

I am an educator by passion and profession.